Wednesday 7 January 2009

Get More Social!

Thanks for comments on my Blog, advising me that the bracelet for people with dementia was developed by Medical Intelligence in Canada, with whom Orange, particularly in France, have a distribution agreement - and also advising of other TeleCare resources.

CIOs have been told to get more social, including “prolific use” of social networking. I think that includes use of Blogs; I’ve added a “followers” gadget on the Blogspot version of the Socitm President’s Blog, and would love readers to use it to let me know if they are there!

What’s in a word or acronym? SOA, we are told, is out!

I’ll be chatting, tonight, to Philip Littleavon about progress in the new support arrangements for Government Connect and CoCo. I hope this won’t be the last chance to apply for funding.

The draft Socitm Position Statement has been sent to Socitm National Advisory Council; the Board hopes to gain its endorsement at next Wednesday’s NAC meeting.

I worked from home until time to set-off for Sunningdale for tomorrow’s Local CIO Council meeting.

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